Rhine Container Service Proxy

亲爱的来访者,欢迎访问 Rhine Container Service Proxy!
本站旨在为不方便访问到 Docker Hub 的地区提供便捷完整的镜像拉取体验,请勿利用本站进行违反所在地法律规定的行为。
请执行下列命令更换 Docker 镜像源为本站:

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json << EOF
    "registry-mirrors": ["https://rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top"]

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker


# 拉取公共镜像
docker pull rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top/<镜像名称>:<标签>

# 拉取个人公开镜像
docker pull rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top/<命名空间>/<镜像名称>:<标签>

Dear visitors, welcome to Rhine Container Service Proxy!
This site aims to provide a convenient and comprehensive image pulling experience for regions where accessing Docker Hub is difficult.
DO NOT use this site for any activities that violate local laws.
Please execute the following commands to change the Docker registry to this site:

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json << EOF
    "registry-mirrors": ["https://rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top"]

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

You can also use the following method to pull images without setting the registry:

# Pull Public Images
docker pull rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top/<image>:<tag>

# Pull Personal Public Images
docker pull rcsp-hub.elyhaut.top/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>

RCSP 同样支持下述站点的镜像:

RCSP also supports mirrors of the following sites:

源站 (Source) 替换为 (Replacement) 对应平台 (Platform)
gcr.io 建设中 Google Container Registry
ghcr.io rcsp-ghcr.elyhaut.top GitHub Container Registry
k8s.gcr.io 建设中 Kubernetes Container Registry
registry.k8s.io 建设中 Kubernetes's Container Image Registry
quay.io 建设中 Quay Container Registry